Our Carpet Cleaning Process
Carpet DryClean uses Spotless, cellulose based ‘micro sponges’ containing a mild organic solvent, natural surfactants, anti-static and anti-bacterial agents as well as Citrus perfumes. A pH factor of 7.5 ensures that Carpet DryClean’s process is suitable for all types of carpet and upholstery, ranging from wool to synthetic blends.
Spotless is a dry cleaning snow that is evenly spread over the carpet and immediately agitated into the carpet pile, either manually or by mechanical action.
Each ‘micro sponge’ is impregnated with an organic cleaning solvent that dissolves dirt and stains, including urine, blood, shoe polish, coffee etc.
The agitation process activates the ‘micro sponge’ and the dissolved dirt is absorbed and encapsulated.
The ‘micro sponge’ is anionic (negative) and attracts the dirt which is cationic (positive). Thus the dissolved dirt is attracted to the ‘micro sponge’. (opposites attract)
Each ‘micro sponge’ can absorb 10 X its own weight.

Once full, the ‘micro sponge’ is ready to be vacuumed away leaving the carpet DRY, CLEAN, & DISINFECTED.
The Three Points of Awesome Carpet Cleaning:
There is NO Down Time!
Once the “Micro Sponges” have been worked through the carpet pile normal foot traffic can resume
The Results Are Amazing!
The Carpet DryClean process does not cause the carpet to stretch, shrink or delaminate. Most importantly it will not cause the backing or padding to rot due to moisture going through the carpet.
Very Fast Process!
The complete operation, depending on the square footage of course takes about 90 minutes and your carpet is left completely dry and your home or office smelling clean again.
Call us today at (919) 878-0748 to schedule your carpet cleaning service.